Baby Bulletin — bibsph
Hello 2021
baby essentials bibs bibsph latest designs new designs personalized bibs

Although technically just another day in our lives with only the calendar spelling out any difference, a new year signifies new beginnings, fresh starts, and clean slates. Sometimes, we all just need a tangible reminder to reflect on and hit the refresh button on all the recent (and not so recent) events that have happened to us, whether good or bad. A new year is an opportunity to reinvent ourselves and strive to do better in many ways– from the big things like making changes in career or growing a family, to small things like getting rid of bad habits...
Make your own Statement Bib
baby bib baby gift baby shower gifts bibsph design your own bib personalized bib statement statement bib

Established in the 60s, the statement shirt started out as the simplest, moststraightforward way of expressing one’s political beliefs through clothing. Afterquickly catching on as one of the most popular trends, these pieces have neverlost steam and have no shortage of relevance today, in a world that only grows inawareness and compassion. Like blue jeans or the classic Converse ChuckTaylors, these pieces never go out of style or ever run out of personality. Over several decades, these pieces have quite literally epitomized expressingyourself through fashion. From political beliefs and social stands, the use ofstatement shirts have evolved to voice anything...